About 5,000 Australians suffer from CRPS but there are limited treatment options available and no known cure.
Only one facility in the world, the Spero Clinic in America, has successfully managed to treat the cause of CRPS through non-invasive therapy, rather than opting for pain management.
It’s approach has been very successful with a high number of patients entering remission.
Read the full article here.
In September 2023, doctors at The Spero Clinic, an acclaimed treatment centre, confirmed that her CRPS was in remission.
Read the full article here.
An Australian family’s holiday has turned to a nightmare after their daughter was diagnosed with a rare condition dubbed “the most painful” in human kind.
Read the full article here.
“Think of the worst pain you ever had being a 10, and then imagine having that pain continuous every day nonstop, like a pure throb, pinch, burning pain, and then triple it,” he said.
They [Declan’s family] explained that he will receive treatment at the centre, which is “the only place in the world that treats Declan’s condition”, for three months.
Read the full article here.
“It was just when Declan thought there was no hope that we found The Spero Clinic, a holistic medical treatment centre in Arkansas, USA, led by well-known quantum neurology nerve rehabilitation specialist Dr Katinka van der Merwe,” says Mary.
Read the full article here.
The Spero Clinic, located in Arkansas, specialises in the treatment of CRPS and uses state-of-the-art technology in neurostimulation and physical therapy to reduce the level of pain throughout the body.
Read the full article here.
An extremely rare diagnosis has left a little girl suffering in so much pain she says she “can’t do this anymore”, and her mum wishing to switch places with her.
Read the full article here.
Once unable to move her leg without feeling excruciating pain, the severity of Bella’s pain has significantly decreased since her trip to Arkansas.
She has also come off all the medication she previously took to treat the pain associated with CRPS.
“[It] means everything, like I wouldn’t be here without the local community, A Current Affair viewers, my mum and dad’s work, local sporting communities, family, friends, general public,” Bella said.
“Now we all know that if you can dream it, you can do it,” she said.
Read the full article here.
After six years of living in torment from a throbbing leg he couldn’t stand on, Red Deer native Jacob Higham is playing basketball again and has no need for pain meds.
The 25-year-old returned from the Spero Clinic in Arkansas cured from a supposedly incurable condition that had plagued him since he sprained his ankle in 2017.
Read the full article here.
“What a remarkable time in my life,” the 49-year-old wrote, announcing that she was now in zero pain following around 165 hours of “treatments, care, pain and miracles” at Spero Clinic.
“What I’ve already experienced beats all the odds. I am so grateful for this moment after almost eight years of profound dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, mobility impairment, and constant excruciating pain I was told would never end.”
Read the full article here.
Start your patient journey with the Spero Clinic's neurologic rehabilitation program.